Jennifer Darling

Happy Anniversary to Me!

It’s been 13 years of wedded bliss, and 20 years of total bliss since I met my prince charming and we rode away on our white shining stage coach. It’s also been two years in easy-breasy, blissful business.

If you believe that, you’re definitely into fairy tales.

Here’s the reality, our wedding anniversary reminds me of the ups and downs we have experienced in our time together and got me thinking how this is parallel to running my own business. There have been great times, there have been challenging times, but all together, they both have been the best choices ever.

When I first started my business I was overwhelmed with bliss, thoughts of opportunity, and frankly, scared to pieces of the unknown. Even though I had 20 years of experience managing eight-figure budgets and was responsible for multi-million dollars in revenue, nothing could prepare me for entrepreneurship, but in 2015, I left my corporate job to live the dream. This month is also my entrepreneur-aversary!

The first year was very exciting as I pioneered new territories and considered the endless possibilities. Sounds exciting, but really I was lost and thinking “what in the heck did I just do?” My plan was to become the world’s expert on positive attitude, a subject that completely fulfilled me. However, I quickly learned there aren’t a ton of people who will pay to have a positive attitude expert. After a year of trying to figure it out, I decided I needed to go back to what I was best at and had the most experience at which was sales and marketing. Over 20 years of sales and sales management selling marketing services and I had an unlimited supply of knowledge for people. Plus, I could use what I learned about having a positive attitude in sales training. After-all, positive attitude is essential in sales success.

There I was one year into business and finally figured out what lane I’m supposed to be in and I could feel the momentum building up, but I was out of money. I had invested everything, ran up credit cards, and desperately needed a lucky break. Out of the blue, a former colleague approached me and offered me a job I couldn’t resist, plus the agreement I would keep my business! Yahoo! I was off to the races. However, this is where the dip comes in. I wasn’t fulfilled by this work anymore. It actually was quite the energy-drain and it sucked the life out of me. I lasted six months.

The bright side is that I recognized it was my calling to be an entrepreneur and that old world was no longer for me. This was a lesson I needed because I would have always thought “what if?” Now I knew the answer and I just had to stick with it, get help, and be creative. Six months after I left my last corporate job, I have major momentum. It’s been two years since I took the plunge, spent a year trying to “figure it out,” spent six months side-tracked, and now I am back on track. Doesn’t that sound like a roller coaster ride? Isn’t marriage a roller-coaster ride with big ups and downs, twists and turns too? I’m sure my marriage won’t be perfect from here on out (which is what is absolutely perfect about it), and I’m sure my business won’t be perfect either. However, what I’ve learned is there is far more good and more highs being with the one I love and being in the new career I love. You just have to plow through the bad, change your thinking to “what good can come from this challenge,” and be thankful every day for the blessings you have.

Happy anniversary to me! Click here to opt-in to get your anniversary gift!

About the author: Jennifer Darling is your Positively Successful Sales Coach. She has worked with 1,000s of businesses in strategic planning to increase their revenue. She provides sales, marketing, personal development and business consulting for small to medium businesses, corporations, nonprofits, and groups. Jennifer possesses 20 years experience for companies such as NBC, CBS, FOX, and Comcast. She holds a Master’s Degree in Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising & Promotion.


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